Posted Oct 29 | 2134 views 

15 Ways To Look Hot On The First Date  

The first date can be make or break. This means getting ready can be filled with anxiety as you tear your wardrobe apart with clothes flying around your room. You will probably have tried on several different outfits before deciding on your final first date look. The first date is like an interview so it is crucial that you look and feel your best as who knows, this may be the man you end up marrying if you both play your cards right. Remember don’t freak out, you must pull yourself together and try to enjoy the preparation process. You also don’t want to over-do your first date look, because there is nothing worse than looking like you tried too hard and are a bit desperate! You want to look natural, hot and glamorous without looking like it took too much time, even thought it probably did! Make sure you know the location of the date and the activities you will be doing there. It is important you feel comfortable in the clothes you are wearing and don’t overdress or underdress for the occasion. Having the right look will make you feel confident and sexy. Here are 15 ways to look hot so he will definitely not say no to a second date!

Don’t Fake It (Too Much)  

We often think we need to fake it in order to make it. Men are funny creatures! They will say they want a natural girl, and then they will point at a super model or porn star as the woman they want. They don’t seem to realize that these women are not real, and have fake hair, eyelashes and tan. If you feel naked without faking it, then choose one enhancement, but all of it together is just too much and gives the wrong impression. You want this date to be the first of many, not just a one night fling. If you are super pale then use a good quality fake tan that you have tried before. Do not do this in a rush, otherwise you will end up with a patchy tan and your date will not be impressed. Don’t forget to moisturize the knees, elbows and hands, so you don’t end up with dirty patches! Only use fake hair if you feel you really need it, remember that he will see you again, so you don’t want to look silly in the long-run when he realizes that your hair is actually much shorter! Guys do not like to feel tricked, so if you are gonna fake it, then you better fake it well. And remember, don’t fake out your whole body as it is just too much, and he is not stupid, so he will know in real life whether you are the real deal or not.

Attract Him With Color  

Red is a clear winner when it comes to grabbing a man’s attention. A 2010 study called Red and romantic behavior in men viewing women revealed that wearing red increases male attraction. One experiment showed that during a date a man would ask more intimate questions and show more sexual interest in a girl dressed in red. Psychologists at Wuhan University, China, also found that red increases a woman’s sex appeal and makes her appear warmer and more confident. But remember to be smart when choosing your color, if you have never met before, then maybe dressing in a tight red dress will look too desperate for the first encounter! You can always wear a red top with a black skirt. Pink is a great color, but be careful with the shade as it can sometimes come across as a bit too girly and demanding. You don’t want to turn up to your date looking like Elle Woods from Legally Blonde! Black is always a safe runner-up as it is sexy, classy and glamorous. It is also great for hiding fat! Try to avoid colors that drain you and make you fade into the crowd.

Kissable Lips  

Even though red may be the best color to grab his attention, don’t even think about putting it on your lips! Forget that red lippy in your handbag as there is nothing worse than smiling at your date across the table with teeth smeared with red lipstick. This is a mistake I have learnt the hard way, with boyfriends asking me to stop wearing it! Men desire juicy luscious lips, but this does not mean that they have to be red. Angelina Jolie and Scarlett Johansson have those sexy lips men crave, but ladies do not make the mistake of getting lip injections as you don’t want to have duck lips. Men will always emphasize the importance of being natural, so you must find ways to make them look better without doing anything drastic. There are lip glosses and lip plumpers that can make your lips look ready for kissing. A man does not want to end up with red or pink on his shirt collar, so keep them looking natural so he will be thinking all night about wanting to kiss you.

Stilettos Or Flats?   

It can be tricky to know whether to wear heels or flats as men love a girl in heels, however, you don’t want to look like a baby giraffe, barely able to walk! Younger girls often make this mistake thinking the higher the heel the better, but a man wants a woman who can walk properly and keep up with his pace, not a sloth! You also don’t want to turn up at a sports bar wearing hooker heels, so make sure you know the location before selecting your shoes. Super high heels can also make you seem demanding and high maintenance. Play it cool and be the hot girl next door! The safest bet would be to wear a wedge or kitten heels. If you do decide to wear heels, don’t choose crazy high heels, and don’t forget to put a pair of flats in your bag for later. Also be aware of your date's height, you don't want to end up looking too tall or too small beside him!

Cleavage Or No Cleavage?  

If you have big boobs, you would think the obvious answer would be to show them off, especially when other girls would kill to have your pair. According to the Daily Mail Online, two thirds reported that showing off their cleavage made them feel sexy and more confident. The poll which consisted of 1,000 women across the UK, revealed that one in seven women admitted to showing some cleavage in the workplace to boost their career. However, do you want to be considered an object or do you want to be taken seriously? You should be proud of your beautiful breasts, but you should also understand how much to expose, in order to still look classy. You want your date to consider you wife material and not a one night stand. Sometimes, not showing cleavage can be just as sexy. You should try wearing a nice tight fitted dress, which shows that you have breasts, but doesn’t expose them too much. This will make him even more excited for future dates. If you don’t have big breasts, then don’t fret, but be careful with chicken fillets (gel inserts) as you don’t want them jumping out of your bra. Remember you don’t want to lie to your date about your appearance either so embrace your natural self, and just help yourself a little bit with a good bra.

Show Off Your Sexy Back  

We sometimes forget how sexy a woman’s back can be, and how crazy a man can get when a woman shows off her back in a dress. It can be harder for women with bigger breasts to wear a very low back dress. If you don’t have that problem, then you should definitely take advantage of showing off your sexy back. If things are going well on your date, he will just not be able to help himself from putting his arm around your shoulder. Make sure you invest in a good bra that offers a few options for wearing straps. Don’t wear a bra with clear plastic straps because don’t be silly they are not invisible, we can see them and it just doesn’t look hot! And don’t forget to practice walking with a book on your head to improve your posture so when you are sitting in front of your date, you don’t slouch!

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